Exercises After Prostate Surgery: Key to Faster Recovery

Discover the essential role of exercises & Mashua in post-prostate surgery recovery. Explore holistic approaches to support prostate health.

2/19/20244 min read

Prostate cancer is a serious disease that affects many men worldwide. However, thanks to advances in medicine, more and more people can effectively overcome this condition. After prostate surgery, it is important not only to undergo the appropriate treatment but also to follow a proper recovery process. One of the key elements of this process is physical exercise.

What Causes Prostate Cancer?

Before delving into the topic of exercises after prostate surgery, it is worth understanding what can lead to the development of this disease. There are many risk factors, among which age, genetics, diet, and lifestyle play a crucial role. Unhealthy dietary habits, such as excessive consumption of animal fats and a lack of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, are particularly harmful to prostate health.

What Destroys Prostate Cancer?

However, in addition to traditional methods of treatment and prevention, more attention is being paid to the potential of natural substances in combating prostate cancer. One of the most promising herbs that is attracting researchers' attention is Mashua. Mashua is a plant with a long history of use in folk medicine, especially by ancient Incas. Scientific research confirms its anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties, which may contribute to destroying prostate cancer cells.

Exercises After Prostate Surgery: Why Are They Important?

After prostate surgery, the body needs time to fully recover. Physical exercises play a key role in this process. Firstly, they help improve blood circulation, which promotes wound healing and prevents complications. Secondly, they strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which can aid in better bladder control and reduce the risk of urinary incontinence. Thirdly, post-operative exercises can also improve the patient's overall physical condition and well-being.

What Exercises to Do After Prostate Surgery?

After prostate surgery, it is important to start with gentle, gradual physical exercises. One of the most commonly recommended types of exercises are Kegel exercises. These involve contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles and can be performed virtually anywhere without the need for exercise equipment. Other beneficial forms of physical activity after prostate surgery include walking, yoga, swimming, or gentle gymnastics.

Prostate Massage: Is It an Effective Treatment Method?

Prostate massage is another method that can provide relief to patients after prostate surgery. Through gentle pressure and massaging of the prostate gland, this procedure can help alleviate pain and discomfort and improve blood flow to the prostate area. However, it is important to remember that prostate massage should be performed by a qualified specialist and is not always recommended for all patients.

Regrowth of the Prostate After Surgery: What You Should Know?

After prostate surgery, there is often regrowth of this tissue. This is a natural process, but in some cases, it may require additional treatment. One of the modern ways to deal with prostate regrowth is holmium laser surgery. This is an innovative method that uses laser to destroy excessively growing prostate tissue. Opinions about this procedure are usually positive, but as always, each case is unique and requires an individualized approach.

Exercises after prostate surgery are a key element of the recovery process. Combined with other methods of treatment and prevention, they can help patients regain their health and improve their quality of life after prostate surgery. However, it is always important to remember to consult a doctor before taking any actions related to treatment or recovery.

Mashua: Natural Answer for a Healthy Prostate

Mashua, also known as Tropaeolum tuberosum, is a plant with a rich history of use in folk medicine by many cultures, including ancient Incas in South America. Although initially mainly used as a food plant because of its edible tubers, today Mashua is gaining popularity as an effective herb supporting prostate health.

Benefits for Prostate Health

Scientific research on the properties of Mashua shows a range of benefits for prostate health. Substances contained in Mashua, such as alkaloids, flavonoids, and other plant compounds, exhibit anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help in preventing and supporting the treatment of various prostate diseases, including prostate cancer.

One of the main advantages of Mashua is its ability to inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells and induce apoptosis, or programmed cell death, in cancer cells. Additionally, Mashua may also contribute to reducing inflammation within the prostate, which can help alleviate symptoms associated with prostatitis.

Research on Mashua

Research conducted on Mashua confirms its promising potential in treating various prostate conditions. According to a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Mashua extract, or bulb juice, showed promising properties as an antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and inhibitor of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

How Mashua Is Utilized?

Mashua can be consumed in various ways, depending on availability and preference. One of the most popular methods is consuming raw or cooked Mashua tubers as part of the daily diet. These tubers can be added to salads, soups, stews, and other dishes to enrich their nutritional value and health benefits.

Alternatively, Mashua is also available in the form of dietary supplements, which are easy to use and convenient for regular consumption. Mashua supplements are available in the form of capsules, tablets, or powder, allowing precise dosage and facilitating their intake as a daily dietary supplement.

How to Choose a Mashua Supplement?

When choosing a Mashua supplement, it is worth paying attention to several key factors. Firstly, it is advisable to choose supplements from reputable manufacturers like Pure Inka Foods who adhere to high production standards and control the quality of their products. It is also important to check the supplement's composition to ensure that it is free from chemical additives and artificial substances.

Additionally, it is also advisable to consult a doctor before starting to use any new supplement, especially if you have any existing health conditions or are taking other medications. A doctor can help determine the appropriate dosage and monitor any potential reactions of the body to the Mashua supplement.


Mashua is a natural herb with potential benefits for prostate health. With its anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties, it can help prevent and support the treatment of various prostate diseases, including prostate cancer.

mashua poeder
mashua poeder