Best Alternative of NOW Foods Prostate Health Support: Mashua Powder

Discover the pros and cons of NOW Foods Prostate Health Support and explore a natural alternative, Mashua, in our comprehensive review blog.

7/5/20244 min read

mashua powder
mashua powder


Saw Palmetto, the key ingredient in NOW Foods Prostate Health Support, has long been recognized for its potential benefits in prostate health. Before delving into the specifics of the product, let's explore the general use of Saw Palmetto and acknowledge both positive and negative aspects.

Positive Aspects of Saw Palmetto:

Saw Palmetto has gained popularity as a natural supplement for prostate health due to its potential positive effects. Many users report improvements, and it has become a sought-after product on platforms like Amazon.

Negative Aspects of Saw Palmetto:

However, it's crucial to be aware of potential side effects. Researching "saw palmetto side effects" reveals rare occurrences of headaches, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, and, in extreme cases, bleeding during surgery. Reports of liver and pancreas damage also exist, albeit infrequently. It's essential to consider these factors and consult a healthcare professional.

Top 5 Negative Points from the Research:

Saw palmetto is a phytotherapeutic agent commonly used for benign prostatic hyperplasia. However, occasional adverse effects have been reported. We present a case of acute pancreatitis possibly linked to saw palmetto use, highlighting the importance of recognizing potential adverse reactions.

The study titled 'Acute pancreatitis with saw palmetto use: a case report,' published in the Journal of Medical Case Reports in 2011, highlighted a case of acute pancreatitis possibly induced by the consumption of saw palmetto. The case involved a 61-year-old Caucasian man with a history of benign prostatic hyperplasia and gastroesophageal reflux disease who experienced epigastric pain and nausea following the use of saw palmetto. Laboratory and imaging studies confirmed the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. The patient's condition improved upon discontinuation of saw palmetto. The study suggests a plausible association between saw palmetto and the onset of acute pancreatitis, emphasizing the importance for prescribers and users to remain vigilant regarding potential adverse reactions.

WebMD reports that saw palmetto is likely safe when used for up to 3 years. Side effects are usually mild and might include dizziness, headache, nausea, and diarrhea. This will not be the case for all users, and everyone's body will react differently.

In summary, some reported side effects of saw palmetto are:

  1. Rare but reported instances of headaches, nausea, diarrhea, and dizziness.

  2. One case linked significant bleeding during surgery to saw palmetto, due to it's effect of slowing blood clothing.

  3. Two reports of liver damage and one report of pancreas damage in heave users.

  4. Not suitable for everyone, as individual reactions may vary.

  5. Complaints about pill size and difficulty in digestion, as evident in certain Amazon reviews.

User Testimonials for NOW Foods Prostate Health Support:

Before we explore an alternative, let's take a moment to consider the firsthand experiences of individuals who have used NOW Foods Prostate Health Support. Here are the top three testimonials, reflecting a range of perspectives:

"The pills are just too big to digest. Hurt my stomach. They are softgels, so maybe I can punch one and swallow. This is day 3 for me."

"Started taking these a few weeks ago, and I've noticed a positive change. No side effects for me, and the size of the softgels is manageable. Feeling better overall."

"Three stars because the product seems effective, but the price is a bit steep for a monthly supply. Wish it were more budget-friendly."

It's essential to acknowledge that individual reactions can vary, and while some users may experience positive results, others may encounter challenges. Now, let's explore an alternative solution that might align better with specific preferences and needs.

Alternative Solution: Mashua - A Natural Andean Superfood:

In considering an alternative to NOW Foods Prostate Health Support, Mashua stands out as a promising option with a long history of traditional use and documented benefits. The testimonials for Mashua are anecdotal and based on centuries of cultural reliance:

"Using Mashua for prostate health has been a game-changer for me. No side effects, and I feel more energetic overall."

"As someone who experienced discomfort with other supplements, Mashua has been gentle on my system. Highly recommend for anyone looking for a natural alternative."

"Incas knew what they were doing! Mashua has been a part of my routine, and I appreciate the absence of any adverse effects on my health."

Why Pure Inka Foods' Mashua Stands Out:

Pure Inka Foods offers Mashua Powder harvested from the Andes, sourced ethically, cultivated organically, with no fillers and made-to-order. The products are all-natural, ensuring freshness, and the capsules are easy to swallow, being size 0 and vegetable-based.

Study On Mashua Powder:

The study titled "Local/traditional uses, secondary metabolites and biological activities of Mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruíz & Pavón)" delves into the historical and traditional applications of Mashua, a plant native to the Andes. Published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, the research, conducted in 2020, examines the plant's secondary compounds and its impact on biological activities.

In simpler terms, the study explores how Mashua has been traditionally used, uncovers the additional substances it contains, and investigates how these components may affect various biological functions. This information helps us understand the potential health benefits of Mashua beyond its historical uses.

Mashua has been tested for various biological activities and the extracts (tubers in particular) demonstrated a promising potential as an antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and inhibitors of benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate).


In conclusion, NOW Foods Prostate Health Support with Saw Palmetto has its merits but is not without potential drawbacks. It's crucial for users to weigh the positives against the rare but documented negatives. For those seeking an alternative, Mashua from Pure Inka Foods presents itself as a natural, side-effect-free option backed by centuries of traditional use and scientific studies.

Final Thoughts:

Ultimately, the decision between NOW Foods Prostate Health Support and Mashua hinges on individual preferences and health considerations. As consumers, being informed about the positives and negatives empowers us to make the right choice for our well-being.

Negative Aspects of Saw Palmetto
Negative Aspects of Saw Palmetto